Unfortunately, there are some issues with the items in your cart.
These items are currently not available in the quantity you specified:
  • NEW Healthy Living Membership - 12 month - $94.00/Monthly - $0.00/Initiation - can be frozen

    Initial Payment Made Now:$94.00
    Recurring Payment:$94.00

    $94/month Entitles you to $107.37 credit to spend on ONE 60 minute or longer service each month $13-$23 savings each additional service (60 minutes or longer) during the month You also receive 10% off product purchases 5% off gift certificate purchases - Valid for massage, skin care, body treatments - Not valid on 30 minute services. - Not valid with any gift certificate, including SpaFinder and Serendipity Wellness Studio - Memberships and services cannot be shared - Membership benefits do not accumulate, however, if you are unable to come in one month, you may come in twice the following month, but after that, the unused benefit will expire. - A 12 month commitment is required; after that you may pay month-to-month. Membership may be cancelled anytime after your 12 month commitment period simply by sending an email to serendipitywellness@gmail.com letting us know you would like to end your membership. We should receive the email prior to the end of the month. - Your credit card will be charged at the beginning of each month - if used towards higher price service, clients pays the difference at the time of service. - Discount will either be $13-$23 depending on service chosen _any amount owed at time of service should be paid with cash or check - Does not include gratuities

  • NEW Healthy Living Membership- 6 month - $100.00/Monthly - $0.00/Initiation - can be frozen

    Initial Payment Made Now:$100.00
    Recurring Payment:$100.00

    $95/month Entitles you to $102 credit to spend on ONE 60 minute or longer service each month $7-$19 savings each additional service (60 minutes or longer) during the month You also receive 10% off product purchases 5% off gift certificate purchases - Valid for massage, skin care, body treatments - Not valid on 30 minute services. - Not valid with any gift certificate, including SpaFinder and Serendipity Wellness Studio - Memberships and services cannot be shared - Membership benefits do not accumulate, however, if you are unable to come in one month, you may come in twice the following month, but after that, the unused benefit will expire. - A 6 month commitment is required; after that you may pay month-to-month. Membership may be cancelled anytime after your 6 month commitment period simply by sending an email to serendipitywellness@gmail.com letting us know you would like to end your membership. We should receive the email prior to the end of the month. - Your credit card will be charged at the beginning of each month - if used towards higher price service, clients pays the difference at the time of service. - Discount will depend on service chosen -any balance due at time of service should be paid with cash or check - Does not include gratuities

  • NEW Healthy Living Membership-Family Plan(12 mon) - $94.00/Monthly - $0.00/Initiation - can be frozen

    Initial Payment Made Now:$94.00
    Recurring Payment:$94.00

    $94/month (one charge for 2 people) Entitles you to ONE $107 credit to spend on ONE 60 minute or longer service each month $13-$25 savings each additional service (60 minutes or longer) during the month. Any subsequest appointments during the month will be at the discounted rate. You also receive: 10% off product purchases 5% off gift certificate purchases - Valid for massage, skin care, body treatments - Not valid on 30 minute services. - Not valid with any gift certificate, including SpaFinder and Serendipity Wellness Studio - Family Membership can be permanently shared with ONE person (cannot be changed) - First person to come in for the month will make use of the prepaid benefit, any appointments during the remainder of the month for either member will be at the discounted rate. - Membership benefits do not accumulate, however, if you are unable to come in one month, you may come in twice the following month, but after that, the unused benefit will expire. - A 12 month commitment is required; after that you may pay month-to-month. Membership may be cancelled anytime after your 12 month commitment period simply by sending an email to serendipitywellness@gmail.com letting us know you would like to end your membership. We should receive the email prior to the end of the month. - Your credit card will be charged at the beginning of each month - if used towards higher price service, clients pays the difference at the time of service. - Discount will depend on service chosen -any balance due at time of service shoudl be paid using cash or check - Does not include gratuities - is valid with any Serendipity Wellness therapist

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