Acupuncture Duration Price
  • Acupuncture Follow Up - 30 Minutes 30 minutes $75.00 Book Now
    During this session, your acupuncturist will apply the treatment plan to help you recover your well being.

  • Acupuncture Follow Up (60-min) 1 hour $100.00 Book Now
    During this session, your acupuncturist will apply the treatment plan to help you recover your well being.

  • Acupuncture Initial Visit 1 hour 30 minutes $160.00 Book Now
    Your acupuncturist will take a detailed health history, perform a physical exam, and provide you with your unique treatment plan.

    During this first session, your acupuncturist will spend time getting to know you and your health concerns. You may be asked a wide range of questions about your symptoms, eating, exercise, sleep habits, emotional states and anything that may offer insight into your health.

    Your practitioner will also employ diagnostic tools that are unique to acupuncture and Chinese Medicine such as tongue and pulse diagnosis.
  • Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture 1 hour $135.00 Book Now
    Acu-facial Rejuvenation

    This holistic treatment combines traditional acupuncture with facial rejuvenation methods. It helps reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, promotes a more radiant complexion, and improves your skin tone.
Body Services Duration Price
  • Udvartna (Herbal scrub) 1 hour $150.00 Book Now
    Body exfoliation (body scrub) using a mixture of herbs and flowers rubbed vigorously over the entire body. This treatment tones the muscles, reduces dryness and increases metabolism. It will leave the skin tingling, soothed and soft.
  • Wood Therapy 1 hour $125.00 Book Now
    Wood therapy is a vigorous massage technique that utilizes wooden and handheld tools to help reduce cellulite and burn fat of the body, supporting lymphatic drainage.
Facials Duration Price
  • Anti-Acne Facial 1 hour $150.00 Book Now
    In addition to our signature Ayurvedic facial, a silver gel formula is applied to the skin to reduce inflammation, blemishes and redness.This facial includes extra-extraction to remove impurities from your skin and leave it glowing.
  • Anti-Aging Facial 1 hour $150.00 Book Now
    In addition to our signature Ayurvedic facial, 24 carat gold leaf floating in healing Aloe Vera gel is a traditional Ayurvedic anti aging beauty secret for radiant youthful skin. The gel is applied to the skin to promote cellular regeneration, rejuvenate stressed skin, giving a beautiful radiant glow.This facial is complemented by a nurturing eye treatment to reduce unwanted wrinkles in the eye contour.
  • Aromatherapy Facial 1 hour $150.00 Book Now
    Experience the bliss of an Ayurvedic facial to cleanse, exfoliate and balance your skin, incorporating aromatherapy to promote circulation and tonification of your skin.We use our exclusive organic skin care line and pure essential oils.
  • Ayurvedic Facial 1 hour $135.00 Book Now
    Personalized facial treatment based on our guests needs.We only use certified Ayurvedic products, 100% organic.
  • Back Skin Care Treatment 1 hour 15 minutes $150.00 Book Now
    A back facial is a skin treatment which is formulated specifically for the back. People often have trouble maintaining a skin care regimen for their backs since the back is notoriously hard to reach. This treatment can actually be quite beneficial, especially for people who spend a lot of time in low-backed clothing or swimsuits.
  • Facial for Men 1 hour $135.00 Book Now
  • Microneedling 1 hour $195.00 Book Now
    Microneedling is a cosmetic procedure. It involves pricking the skin with tiny sterilized needles. The small wounds cause your body to make more collagen and elastin, which heal your skin and help you look younger. You might also hear it called collagen induction therapy.
Massages Duration Price
  • Abhyanga 1 hour $135.00 Book Now
    This is the most popular Ayurvedic massage modality.Warm oil is poured and absorbed by the skin through circular rhythmic strokes.This massage is deeply relaxing and helps release toxins from the body.
  • Abhyanga (90 min) 1 hour 30 minutes $195.00 Book Now
    This is the most popular Ayurvedic massage modality. Warm oil is poured and absorbed by the skin through circular rhythmic strokes. This massage is deeply relaxing and helps release toxins from the body.
  • Abhyanga Tandem Massage 1 hour $260.00 Book Now
    This is our signature Ayurvedic massage performed by two therapists. Warm oil is poured and absorbed by the skin through circular rhythmic strokes. This massage is deeply relaxing and helps release toxins from the body.
  • Abhyanga Tandem Massage (90 min) 1 hour 30 minutes $380.00 Book Now
    This is our signature Ayurvedic massage performed by two therapists.Warm oil is poured and absorbed by the skin through circular rhythmic strokes. This massage is deeply relaxing and helps release toxins from the body.
  • Ayurvedic Lymph Massage 1 hour $135.00 Book Now
    Stimulation of lymph channels in the body.
  • Ayurvedic Lymph Massage 1 hour 30 minutes $195.00 Book Now
  • Champi 45 minutes $108.00 Book Now
    Ayurvedic massage of the neck, shoulders, scalp and face to promote relaxation and a state of wellbeing.
  • Champi Pada 1 hour $135.00 Book Now
    Ayurvedic massage of the neck, shoulders, scalp and face which promotes a state of wellbeing plus foot massage.
  • Couples Massage 1 hour $260.00 Book Now
    Enjoy a pampering massage for two!Our therapists will customize the massage according to your needs and might combine different massage modalities.
  • Couples Massage 1 hour 30 minutes $380.00 Book Now
    Enjoy a pampering massage for two! Our therapists will customize the massage according to your needs and might combine different massage modalities.
  • Deep Tissue Massage 1 hour $150.00 Book Now
    Traditional Western deep tissue massage.
  • Deep Tissue Massage (90 mins.) 1 hour 30 minutes $225.00 Book Now
  • Gandharva 1 hour 30 minutes $195.00 Book Now
    Combination of massage with sound healing.
  • Garshana 30 minutes $50.00 Book Now
    Dry glove massage to exfoliate and invigorate the skin.
  • Hot Stone Massage 1 hour $165.00 Book Now
  • Jothivita Ayurvedic Bliss Sampler 1 hour 30 minutes $195.00 Book Now
    Enjoy a blend of our signature treatments starting with an Indian Head Massage, followed by a full body Abhyanga massage and finishing your experience with foot Reflexology. Duration: 90 minutes.
  • Marma Therapy 1 hour 30 minutes $195.00 Book Now
    Stimulation of energetic points of mind-body-emotions connection to create balance.
  • Pinda Swedana 1 hour 30 minutes $195.00 Book Now
    Pain treatment therapy
  • Post-Natal Massage 1 hour $140.00 Book Now
    Customized massage to nourish and support the recovery of the new mom, combining lymphatic drainage and relaxing techniques.
  • Prenatal Massage 1 hour $140.00 Book Now
  • Reflexology 1 hour $135.00 Book Now
    Stimulation of acupuncture points on the feet to balance all systems of the body.
  • Shirodhara 45 minutes $150.00 Book Now
    Warm oil poured on the forehead to stimulate the pineal gland and promote a deep relaxation.
  • Srota Clearing Massage 1 hour $135.00 Book Now
    Stimulation of Channels of elimination
  • Srota Clearing Massage 1 hour 30 minutes $195.00 Book Now
    Stimulation of circulatory channels in the body.
  • Swedish Massage 1 hour $135.00 Book Now
    Swedish massage is one of the most common types of massage therapy. It's often used to relax you, relieve stress and relieve pain. Swedish massage often involves rubbing, kneading, stroking and tapping your muscles.
  • Vishesh 1 hour $135.00 Book Now
    Friction and deep tissue massage for relieving tension in the body.
Medical Spa Treatments Duration Price
  • Breast Study 30 minutes $215.00 Book Now
    Annual screening with complete chest and torso thermographic images. Non-invasive, radiation-free, and provides doctor's report within 3-4 days.

    • Complete chest and torso thermographic images.
    • Great for annual breast screening.
    • Early identification of inflammation and other health issues.
    • Non-invasive and radiation-free.
    • Complete doctor's interpretation report in 3-4 days.
    • 30-minute appointment.
  • Full Body Study 45 minutes $465.00 Book Now
    Get 28 full-body thermographic images for early detection of inflammation and other health issues in a non-invasive and radiation-free 45-minute appointment. Receive a doctor's interpretation report in 3-4 days.

    • 28 thermographic images of the full body.
    • Early identification of inflammation and other health issues.
    • Non-invasive and radiation-free.
    • Complete doctor's interpretation report in 3-4 days.
    • 45-minute appointment
  • Lower Body Health Study 30 minutes $215.00 Book Now
    Torso, spine, abdomen, legs, and feet thermographic images allow for early identification of inflammation and other health issues, with a complete doctor's interpretation report in 3-4 days. The process is non-invasive, radiation-free, and can be completed in a 30-minute appointment.

    • Torso, spine, abdomen, legs, and feet thermographic images.
    • Early identification of inflammation and other health issues.
    • Non-invasive and radiation-free.
    • Complete doctor's interpretation report in 3-4 days.
    • 30-minute appointment
  • Upper Body Health Study 40 minutes $265.00 Book Now
    Thermographic images of face, neck, arms, hands, torso, spine and abdomen for early identification of inflammation and other health issues. Non-invasive and radiation-free with a complete doctor's interpretation report provided in 3-4 days after a 40-minute appointment.

    • Face, neck, arms, hands, torso, spine and abdomen thermographic images.
    • Early identification of inflammation and other health issues.
    • Non-invasive and radiation-free.
    • Complete doctor's interpretation report in 3-4 days.
    • 40-minute appointment
  • Women's Health Screening 30 minutes $335.00 Book Now
    Thermographic images of the upper body, with a focus on the chest, breasts and abdomen, are a non-invasive and radiation-free screening method that allows for early identification of inflammation and other health issues. A complete doctor's interpretation report is available within 3-4 days, and the appointment lasts only 30 minutes.

    • Upper body thermographic images with emphasis on the chest/breastand abdomen.
    • Great for annual breast screening.
    • Early identification of inflammation and other health issues.
    • Non-invasive and radiation-free.
    • Complete doctor's interpretation report in 3-4 days.
    • 30-minute appointment.
Wellness or Integrative Duration Price
  • Ayurvedic Consultation (First Time) 1 hour 30 minutes $225.00 Book Now
    Full evaluation of the body systems through pulse diagnosis and history of personal health.
  • Ayurvedic Consultation (Follow Up) 45 minutes $145.00 Book Now
    Follow up consultation to monitor progress
  • Ayurvedic Lifestyle Coaching 1 hour $150.00 Book Now
    If you want to understand how to integrate Ayurveda into your life, increasing your immunity, balancing your digestion and raising your energy levels, this session will provide you with a practical personalized plan that will include the right diet, exercise and routine for you.
  • Chakra Balancing 45 minutes $108.00 Book Now
    Deeply restorative treatment to balance the energy centers of the body.
  • Cupping 30 minutes $75.00 Book Now
    Cupping involves placing cups (made of glass, plastic, bamboo or ceramic) on the skin to create suction and alleviate pain. Cups can be applied to the skin on the back, shoulders, stomach, legs or any muscle group where it’s easy to attach the cups.
  • Emotion Code Session 1 hour $75.00 Book Now
    This session will help you to release your trapped emotions.

    This technique created by Dr. Bradley Nelson that helps to discover and release trapped emotions helping the body to heal faster.

    Have you wonder the feeling of sadness you have had for so long is the possible cause of your illness?

    Have you noticed that you frequently get sick?

    Are you experiencing lack of energy?

    Many of the answers to these questions could be related to those trapped emotions.
  • Greeva Basti 45 minutes $90.00 Book Now
    Greeva Basti is a soothing neck therapy where herbal oil is retained on the neck to relieve occasional pain, inflammation, and stiffness. The warm herbal oil allows absorption into muscles, ligaments, and tendons, thereby relaxing the neck and healing any underlying conditions, calming pain and stiffness.
  • Holistic Energy Scan 1 hour $75.00 Book Now
    Balance your energy and body frequencies using the latest technology on bio-frequency generator.After this session, you will feel energized, more centered, and with a sense of wellbeing, from an emotional and physical aspect.
  • Hridaya Basti 45 minutes $90.00 Book Now
    Hridaya Basti is one of the most powerful and effective treatments in Ayurveda that aids in the healthy functioning of the heart. Hridaya Basti is also known as Uro Basti,

    This Ayurvedic treatment helps to nourish, strengthen and balance the heart functions.It is beneficial for those with high blood pressure, palpitations, and respiratory problems such as asthma, bronchitis or wheezing.
  • Kati Basti 45 minutes $90.00 Book Now
    Kati Basti is a soothing treatment where a large quantity of warm herbalised oil is retained on your lower back to relieve pain, stiffness and inflammation
  • Nabi Basti 45 minutes $90.00 Book Now
    Nabi basti is a warm oil stomach treatment for improving digestion and releasing deep rooted emotions by bathing the navel in healing oils.This treatment brings deep relaxation to the area, providing a
  • Netra Basti 30 minutes $90.00 Book Now
    Traditional Ayurvedic eye treatment to enhance eye sight, counter fatigue and heaviness in the eyes, alleviate dry eyes & slow retinal deterioration.
  • Past-Life Regression 1 hour $108.00 Book Now
    Past-life therapy brings clients to different time and places, in the present life or a past life.This is achieved through hypnosis, guided imagery, or other states of deep relaxation where memories that are normally unconscious can be accessed. By bringing these memories into conscious awareness, we can release or diffuse the energy and emotional blockages that keep us stuck.This therapy helps to evaluate the purpose of a specific lifetime, the lessons learned, and decisions made from a higher, spiritual perspective.
  • Reiki 1 hour $120.00 Book Now
    Light-touch therapy to activate the energy within and restore the processes in the body.
  • Semiology Session 1 hour $90.00 Book Now
    A personal therapeutic session for anyone that is looking to resolve certain aspect(s) of their life.The consultant will apply the Semiology model with precision, to guide the person to understand the origin of the patterns which become an obstacle for living a more fulfilling life.
  • Sound Healing Meditation 1 hour $20.00 Book Now
    Sound healing is an ancient meditative practice that uses different musical implements to create healing vibrations around the body in a meditative state. During this session, the teacher uses quartz crystal bowls and Tibetan metal bowls tuned at strategic frequencies for healing different parts of the body and mind.
Packages Duration Price
  • Ananda Day Spa 2 hours 15 minutes $295.00 Book Now
    Experience the bliss of this 3-hour package that begins with a our Abhyanga massage followed by our Swedana herbal steam therapy/head massage, concluding with our exotic Shirodhara.
  • Holistic Day Spa 2 hours 30 minutes $295.00 Book Now
    This package provides a complete mind-body experience beginning with an Abhyanga massage, followed by a Swedana herbal steam therapy with head massage, and finalizing with a full-body herbalized Salt Glow Scrub to leave you relaxed, refreshed and renewed.
  • Jiva Day Spa 2 hours $220.00 Book Now
    This 2-hour experience begins with our Garshana “dry” massage which loosens and helps remove expired skin preceding a 55-minute Lymphatic massage, which promotes the elimination of metabolic waste products, concluding with our Swedana herbal steam therapy.
  • JothiVita Day Spa 3 hours 15 minutes $445.00 Book Now
    Our signature package will identify your areas of imbalance and will provide you guidance to recover your wellbeing. The experience starts with a pulse evaluation and Ayurvedic consultation, followed by a nourishing Abhyanga massage; a Swedana (herbal steam); and a Shirodhara session.
  • Moksha Day Spa 1 hour 45 minutes $220.00 Book Now
    This package pulls together our Champi traditional Indian Head Massage focusing on the scalp, neck, shoulders, upper arms, face, and ears along with a Reflexology session that involves massaging and stimulating different pressure points on the feet, encouraging a beneficial effect in parts of the body and improving health.
  • Shanti Day Spa 2 hours 30 minutes $295.00 Book Now
    Experience the bliss of this 3-hour package that begins with a our Ayurvedic massage followed by our Swedana herbal steam therapy, concluding with a nurturing Ayurvedic facial treatment.
  • Total Bliss 2 hours $215.00 Book Now
    Enjoy our signature abhyanga massage to relax and detoxify your body, and complete your healing experience with an acupuncture session. Duration: 2-hour
  • Total Pampering 2 hours $245.00 Book Now
    Enjoy a 60-minute massage followed by a nourishing Ayurvedic facial. Duration: 2-hours
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