Unfortunately, there are some issues with the items in your cart.
These items are currently not available in the quantity you specified:
  • Absolute Membership (Local) - $120.00/Monthly - $0.00/Initiation - can be frozen

    Initial Payment Made Now:$120.00
    Recurring Payment:$120.00

    4 tans per month *Tans do not roll over *30-day written notice is required via email to cancel membership to: contact@hushhushtan.com. *Membership can be frozen for a $10 monthly fee *For all member questions and inquiries, please email contact@hushhushtan.com

  • Deluxe Membership (Local) - $96.00/Monthly - $0.00/Initiation - can be frozen

    Initial Payment Made Now:$96.00
    Recurring Payment:$96.00

    3 tans per month *Tans do not roll over *30-day written notice is required via email to cancel membership to: contact@hushhushtan.com. *Membership can be frozen for a $10 monthly fee *For all member questions and inquiries, please email contact@hushhushtan.com

  • Glow Membership (Local) - $66.00/Monthly - $0.00/Initiation - can be frozen

    Initial Payment Made Now:$66.00
    Recurring Payment:$66.00

    2 tans per month *Tans do not roll over *30-day written notice is required via email to cancel membership to: contact@hushhushtan.com. *Membership can be frozen for a $10 monthly fee *For all member questions and inquiries, please email contact@hushhushtan.com

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