Education Duration Price
  • Astro Forecast Printed Report (1 year) 15 minutes $85.00 Book Now
    This report gives you actual dates when the energies influence your life in a given time period. Money, career relationships, concentration, power and social influence, communication and more.

    Name and birth date is needed to complete this report.
  • Astro Forecast Printed Report (3 months) 15 minutes $35.00 Book Now
    This report gives you actual dates when the energies influence your life in a given time period. Money, career relationships, concentration, power and social influence, communication and more.

    Name and birth date is needed to complete this report.
  • Astro Forecast Printed Report (6 months) 15 minutes $45.00 Book Now
    This report gives you actual dates when the energies influence your life in a given time period. Money, career relationships, concentration, power and social influence, communication and more.

    Name and birth date is needed to complete this report.
  • Astrological Solar Return Printed Report 15 minutes $35.00 Book Now
    The object of this report offers you a practical guide that helps you analyze this year’s prospects and to learn from them. The Sun’s journey from birthday to birthday determines opportunities and problems emphasizing your responses and inner changes.

    Name and birth date is needed to complete this report.
  • Child Astrology Printed Report 15 minutes $35.00 Book Now
    This report has been designed as a guide for parents, with a special commitment to help with the child’s growth and cultural upbringing, trying to emphasize and strengthen the assets and alerting the parents to mistakes or possible problems that the child could face in their life.

    Name and birth date of the child is needed to complete this report.
  • Compatibility Printed Report 15 minutes $35.00 Book Now
    This report compares your temperaments and personalities. This information is powerful if you are married or living together. This report identifies the theme of your relationship. Combine this information with what you already know about each other. It can be a powerful tool.

    Names and birth dates for both people are needed to complete this report.
  • Karmic Insight Printed Report 15 minutes $35.00 Book Now
    From an esoteric point of view your birth chart is a portrait of your soul’s intention for this lifetime, the lessons to be learned, qualities to develop, problems to be resolved, services to be rendered. From that perspective, the choices one makes in ones daily life have reverberations that may last beyond even beyond this lifetime. The information written in this report helps clarify your lessons and goals, illuminate your struggles and give you courage when facing the challenges.

    Name and birth date is needed to complete this report.
  • Karmic Past Life Printed Report 15 minutes $35.00 Book Now
    This report examines possible past life connections using astrological methods. It is not intended as a complete interpretation of your birth chart: it looks at your chart from only one perspective. The effects of past lives can carry over into your current life, accounting for interests, habits, even phobias that would defy explanation by conventional methods.

    Name and birth date is needed to complete this report.
  • New Age Natal Printed Report 15 minutes $35.00 Book Now
    This astrological report is designed as a guide for your growth and personal evolution in the New Age. The subjects are approached from different points of view such as metaphysical, spiritual, nutritional, and general information. The first part analyses your personality with multiple facets (Sun & Moon positions); the second analyses the influences of the twelve astrological houses. It is helpful to know yourself, your limitations and your potentials when working on your personal evolution.

    Name and birth date is needed to complete this report.
  • Relocation Information Printed Report (3 locations) 15 minutes $35.00 Book Now
    This report can be of great assistance if you are contemplating a move. The report can assist in your knowledge of how you will react to the energies of the specific locations for relationships, finances, your stability and security, psychologically and reactively.

    Name and birth date is needed to complete this report.
  • The Indra Printed Report 15 minutes $45.00 Book Now
    This report creates a psychological mirror of your life. Indra describes your basic motivation, perceptions, inclinations, and character from a number of different perspectives giving a highly accurate composite view of your life. View your contradictory urges and drives as well as your focuses.

    Name and birth date is needed to complete this report.
  • The Merlin Printed Report 15 minutes $35.00 Book Now
    The interpretation of your chart in this report could be beneficial in self-help and self-transformation. It is written in simple language, uncluttered by astrological jargon. The interpretation of your birth chart is based on the positions of the planets at your time of birth. If a statement appears to contradict another statement, then you exhibit these opposite qualities at different times in your life.

    Name and birth date is needed to complete this report.
Events Duration Price
  • Fun Shamainc Vortex Tour- Banah (120) 2 hours $300.00 Book Now
  • Fun Shamainc Vortex Tour- Banah (240) 4 hours $550.00 Book Now
  • Group (up to 4) Fun Shamainc Vortex Tour- Banah (120) 2 hours $500.00 Book Now
  • Group (up to 4) Fun Shamainc Vortex Tour-Banah (240) 4 hours $750.00 Book Now
  • Musical Sacred Site Adventures (120) - Banah 2 hours $300.00 Book Now
  • UFO Sighting Tour - Class 3 hours $90.00 Book Now
    On a UFO Sighting Tour we go out at night to a UFO "hotspot" with Military Night Vision Goggles which allow you to see over 20,000 times more light (and 20,000 more stars) than is possible with your naked eye! We’re so certain you’ll have UFO sightings we have a money back guarantee!
    See more at:
    Or call your Guide, Melinda Leslie at (310) 502-5398 for further details.
  • Vortex Experience - Melinda 3 hours $300.00 Book Now
    Vortex Experiences take you to Sedona’s scenic power spots where you’ll experience the famous energy through guided journeys of transformation customized to your life situation and to each Vortex location’s unique power. Be sure to dress for adventure and bring your camera!
    See more at:
Intuitive Services Duration Price
  • Aura Photo & Reading - Individual 15 minutes $65.00 Book Now
    Aura Photo & Reading
  • Couples Reading (30) 30 minutes $150.00 Book Now
    $150 or less. Price depends on Staff selection. A psychic reading with one of our skilled intuitives may include, but is not limited to, the following service examples: Clairvoyance, Channeling, Mediumship, Tarot Cards, Astrology, Spiritual Counseling, Spirit Guides, Akashic Records, Life Path, Human Design, Past Lives, Angels. To choose one of our skilled initiatives please visit:
  • Couples Reading (45) 45 minutes $188.00 Book Now
    $188 or less. Price depends on Staff selection. A psychic reading with one of our skilled intuitives may include, but is not limited to, the following service examples: Clairvoyance, Channeling, Mediumship, Tarot Cards, Astrology, Spiritual Counseling, Spirit Guides, Akashic Records, Life Path, Human Design, Past Lives, Angels. To choose one of our skilled initiatives please visit:
  • Couples Reading (60) 1 hour $244.00 Book Now
    $244 or less. Price depends on Staff selection. A psychic reading with one of our skilled intuitives may include, but is not limited to, the following service examples: Clairvoyance, Channeling, Mediumship, Tarot Cards, Astrology, Spiritual Counseling, Spirit Guides, Akashic Records, Life Path, Human Design, Past Lives, Angels. To choose one of our skilled initiatives please visit:
  • Mediumship (30) 30 minutes $120.00 Book Now
    $120 or less. Price depends on Staff selection. A Mediumship reading with one of our skilled intuitives.
  • Past Life Regressions (60) 1 hour $160.00 Book Now
    $160 or less. Price depends on Staff selection. A past life reading with one of our skilled intuitives.
  • Phone Reading (15) 15 minutes $55.00 Book Now
    $55 or less. Price depends on Staff selection.
    Phone Reading are scheduled based on the time in Sedona AZ (UTC/GMT-7):
    Here is a link to convert to your local time.

    A psychic reading with one of our skilled psychics may include, but is not limited to, the following service examples: Clairvoyance, Channeling, Mediumship, Tarot Cards, Astrology, Spiritual Counseling, Spirit Guides, Akashic Records, Life Path, Human Design, Past Lives, Angels. To choose one of our skilled psychics, please visit: Finally, in order to accommodate your needs, please provide your phone number in the special request box.
  • Phone Reading (30) 30 minutes $100.00 Book Now
    $100 or less. Price depends on Staff selection.
    Phone Reading are scheduled based on the time in Sedona AZ (UTC/GMT-7):
    Here is a link to convert to your local time.

    A psychic reading with one of our skilled psychics may include, but is not limited to, the following service examples: Clairvoyance, Channeling, Mediumship, Tarot Cards, Astrology, Spiritual Counseling, Spirit Guides, Akashic Records, Life Path, Human Design, Past Lives, Angels. To choose one of our skilled psychics please visit: Finally, in order to accommodate your needs, please provide your phone number in the special request box.
  • Phone Reading (45) 45 minutes $140.00 Book Now
    $140 or less. Price depends on Staff selection.
    Phone Reading are scheduled based on the time in Sedona AZ (UTC/GMT-7):
    Here is a link to convert to your local time.

    A psychic reading with one of our skilled psychics may include, but is not limited to, the following service examples: Clairvoyance, Channeling, Mediumship, Tarot Cards, Astrology, Spiritual Counseling, Spirit Guides, Akashic Records, Life Path, Human Design, Past Lives, Angels. To choose one of our skilled psychics please visit: Finally, in order to accommodate your needs, please provide your phone number in the special request box.
  • Phone Reading (60) 1 hour $180.00 Book Now
    $180 or less. Price depends on Staff selection.
    Phone Reading are scheduled based on the time in Sedona AZ (UTC/GMT-7):
    Here is a link to convert to your local time.

    A psychic reading with one of our skilled psychics may include, but is not limited to, the following service examples: Clairvoyance, Channeling, Mediumship, Tarot Cards, Astrology, Spiritual Counseling, Spirit Guides, Akashic Records, Life Path, Human Design, Past Lives, Angels. To choose one of our skilled psychics please visit: Finally, in order to accommodate your needs, please provide your phone number in the special request box.
  • Psychic Reading (15) 15 minutes $55.00 Book Now
    $55 or less. Price depends on Staff selection. A psychic reading with one of our skilled intuitives may include, but is not limited to, the following service examples: Clairvoyance, Channeling, Mediumship, Tarot Cards, Astrology, Spiritual Counseling, Spirit Guides, Akashic Records, Life Path, Human Design, Past Lives, Angels. To choose one of our skilled initiatives please visit:
  • Psychic Reading (30) 30 minutes $100.00 Book Now
    $100 or less. Price depends on Staff selection. A psychic reading with one of our skilled intuitives may include, but is not limited to, the following service examples: Clairvoyance, Channeling, Mediumship, Tarot Cards, Astrology, Spiritual Counseling, Spirit Guides, Akashic Records, Life Path, Human Design, Past Lives, Angels. To choose one of our skilled initiatives please visit:
  • Psychic Reading (45) 45 minutes $140.00 Book Now
    $140 or less. Price depends on Staff selection. A psychic reading with one of our skilled intuitives may include, but is not limited to, the following service examples: Clairvoyance, Channeling, Mediumship, Tarot Cards, Astrology, Spiritual Counseling, Spirit Guides, Akashic Records, Life Path, Human Design, Past Lives, Angels. To choose one of our skilled initiatives please visit:
  • Psychic Reading (60) 1 hour $180.00 Book Now
    $180 or less. Price depends on Staff selection. A psychic reading with one of our skilled intuitives may include, but is not limited to, the following service examples: Clairvoyance, Channeling, Mediumship, Tarot Cards, Astrology, Spiritual Counseling, Spirit Guides, Akashic Records, Life Path, Human Design, Past Lives, Angels. To choose one of our skilled initiatives please visit:
  • Tachyon Chamber (30+30+30) (90 Total) 1 hour 30 minutes $150.00 Book Now
    The Future of Healing:
    The true future of ultimate healing for humans is in the integration of light, sound, vibration, frequency, and energy transfer. As we develop as a human race, we will continue to learn more about these healing modalities. For now, the Chamber is one powerful option.
    “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” ~ Nikola Tesla
    “I would say all galactic civilizations that reach a certain threshold of evolution, spiritually and technologically use tachyons, because tachyons are the particles that are very much directly connected to the Source and are actually the first manifested matter in this universe”. ~ COBRA

    What You Need To Know::
    Sessions are 1 hour long.
    You will be offered “structured water” before and after your Chamber Session.
    Chamber time is 30 minutes.
    You will have a “Chamber Facilitator” educate and guide you through the treatment.
    The Tachyon Chamber is placed in a relaxing room where every object and piece of decor is an essential piece of the chamber dynamic.
    The chamber is a precisely designed and tuned device which emits tachyon energy.
    During the 30-minute session you will be laying down on a bed on the floor
    Please be sure to wear comfortable clothing. Light colors, such as white and cream, are recommended.
    You can meditate or even take a quick nap, absorbing the tachyon energy.
    Throughout the Tachyon session there will be a transmission of “Source” energy in the form of subtle Tachyon particles to your physical and subtle energy body in order to achieve optimal healing and well-being.
    Please come hydrated.but not "under the influence"
Massages Duration Price
  • Structural Integration/Rolfing (60) 1 hour $95.00 Book Now
  • Structural Integration/Rolfing (90) 1 hour 30 minutes $135.00 Book Now
Wellness or Integrative Duration Price
  • Ancestor DNA Removal (75) 1 hour 15 minutes $215.00 Book Now
  • Aura Art (30) 30 minutes $80.00 Book Now
  • Crystal Bowl Sound Therapy (30) 30 minutes $66.00 Book Now
    -open and release energetic blockages
    -balance and restore chakra functioning
    -repair and reactivate DNA capabilities
    -heal karmic wounds and fissures
    -open third eye vision and stimulate the pineal gland
  • Crystal Bowl Sound Therapy (60) 1 hour $160.00 Book Now
    -open and release energetic blockages
    -balance and restore chakra functioning
    -repair and reactivate DNA capabilities
    -heal karmic wounds and fissures
    -open third eye vision and stimulate the pineal gland
  • Crystal Bowl Sound Therapy Class (60) 1 hour $40.00 Book Now
    Minimum 3 people, Maximum 6
    -open and release energetic blockages
    -balance and restore chakra functioning
    -repair and reactivate DNA capabilities
    -heal karmic wounds and fissures
    -open third eye vision and stimulate the pineal gland
  • DNA Repair & Reprogramming (75) 1 hour 15 minutes $240.00 Book Now
  • Entity Removal (75) 1 hour 15 minutes $240.00 Book Now
  • Eqyptian Seichem Reiki (30) 30 minutes $80.00 Book Now
    Vicki intuitively knows what needs healed and places emphasis on healing of ailments and ascension to higher levels.She works in the auric field to repair rips and tears that is releasing vital life force energy.Japanese breath work often overlooked in the western style is emphasis for cleansing the spirit.Total peace and relaxation are achieved as stress is drained completely.There is often an angelic presence experienced by the receiver.
    Reiki is the element of Earth and is channeled.Reiki is very grounding and supportive and sets a basis to work with other elements.

    Seichem Reiki also contains the Earth element.Seichem moves to a higher level by also adding the element of Fire (transformation), Water (deep emotional healing), and Air (spiritual connection and intuition).Seichem Reiki is perfect as it combines all energies that are needed for everyone and the strength needed perfectly.Seichem is always connected to the heart as a loving energy.
  • Eqyptian Seichem Reiki (60) 1 hour $150.00 Book Now
    Vicki intuitively knows what needs healed and places emphasis on healing of ailments and ascension to higher levels.She works in the auric field to repair rips and tears that is releasing vital life force energy.Japanese breath work often overlooked in the western style is emphasis for cleansing the spirit.Total peace and relaxation are achieved as stress is drained completely.There is often an angelic presence experienced by the receiver.
    Reiki is the element of Earth and is channeled.Reiki is very grounding and supportive and sets a basis to work with other elements.

    Seichem Reiki also contains the Earth element.Seichem moves to a higher level by also adding the element of Fire (transformation), Water (deep emotional healing), and Air (spiritual connection and intuition).Seichem Reiki is perfect as it combines all energies that are needed for everyone and the strength needed perfectly.Seichem is always connected to the heart as a loving energy.
  • Galactic Beings Channelings-Banah (60) 1 hour $200.00 Book Now
  • Hypnosis (30) 30 minutes $100.00 Book Now
  • Hypnosis (45) 45 minutes $144.00 Book Now
  • Hypnosis (60) 1 hour $177.00 Book Now
  • I know I’m a healer, how do I cultivate and share my gifts? 1 hour $44.00 Book Now
    Open and attune with your unique healing abilities in a kind and supportive environment. Guided by Christiane. $44. One person minimum.
  • Master Your Energy-Heal Your Life 1 hour $15.00 Book Now
    Everything in the universe is energy.
    Learning about energetic principles and being able to apply them in everyday life is one of the most powerful things we can do for our lives.
  • Past Life Regression 2 hours $225.00 Book Now
    Past life Regression is a deeply personal journey into your own soul.Exploring a previous life can be a very powerful experience. You may recall specific events with the same intensity as when it happened. Others may experience the memory in a fuzzy way. The opening may give more insight to be discovered and added to as time progresses.In any case, most people can access enough information to gain much needed insight into the previous life for what information is needed.

    We carry residue of previous past lives.If pain from the past is not recognized, processed, and ultimately released, the wound continues to infect the current life until healed.Past Life Regression can allow you to see repeating patterns, people, places, values and life lessons that all contribute to who we are in this world.Sometimes unfinished business is carried over from life to life, and this experience can help you identify and come to a new understanding of the people and events in your life from a larger perspective.Given enough information, we can make different choices.Deep healing can happen with the simple realization of past influences affecting our lives today.
  • Soul Integration (75) 1 hour 15 minutes $190.00 Book Now
  • Space clearings for Home and Office 2 hours $222.00 Book Now
  • Supercharge Your Superpowers to Awaken Your Extraordinary Potential 1 hour $30.00 Book Now
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