take your detox regiment to the next level with the deluxe detox membership. In addition to unlimited alkaline water and daily use of the salt cave, use one of our many detoxing services weekly for overall deeper tissue detoxification. your skin and joints will thank you! This membership is perfect for anyone looking to adapt to a detox lifestyle effortlessly while also reducing stress.
daily use of salt cave during hours of operartion for regular salt cave sessions only. Members receive 25% discount on any service inside detox room.
enjoy unlimited alkaline water and daily use of the salt cave all month long. Two thing needed for a healthy life is clean air & clean water, both of which are lacking on Long Island. Take charge of your own health with this very affordable membership offering.
Members enjoy unlimited daily access (during hours of operation) to clean and pure 5xs filtered alkaline water at our water station. New members receive their first glass gallon handled jug for free with the membership.